In addition to stomach cramps, some women will experience nausea during menstruation. Although quite disturbing comfort, this condition is usually not dangerous, and you can overcome it in a number of easy ways, you know.
During menstruation, the body will release the hormone prostaglandin. This hormone is believed to cause pain and nausea when women menstruate.
Various Ways to Overcome Nausea during Menstruation
In addition to causing discomfort, nausea during menstruation also has the potential to interfere with activities, so it is important to know several ways that can be done to overcome them. Here are some ways you can try to deal with nausea during menstruation:1. Drink ginger tea
Ginger has long been used to treat nausea. Although the way it works is not known with certainty, experts believe that ginger has a content similar to anti-nausea drugs. You can make ginger tea by boiling two ginger segments in 1.5-2 cups of water, then drink while warm.2. Eat small portions
Eating small portions of food during menstruation can relieve nausea, but is also beneficial for keeping blood sugar stable. In addition, as much as possible avoid foods that are too overpowering and choose foods that have a soft texture, such as bananas, rice, and bread, to prevent the appearance of nausea.3. Avoid consuming heavy food before going to bed
To prevent nausea you should also avoid consuming foods that are too heavy and fatty before going to sleep. Instead, you can eat fruit juice, warm milk, and yogurt.4. Routine exercise
Menstruation is not a reason not to exercise, you know. Stay regular exercise during menstruation can overcome the discomfort, pain, and nausea that you feel during menstruation. You can do light exercise, like walking or cycling.5. Take supplements
To relieve nausea during menstruation, you can also take supplements containing vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium, vitamin D, folic acid, and magnesium. In addition, so that nausea during menstruation does not get heavier, do not forget to rest and meet your sleep needs, yes. If nausea during menstruation has disrupted your activities, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will check your condition and provide the right treatment.- Dermaga Apung HDPE
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